What started out as a childhood dream evolved into full fledged reality. Born in Zambia and raised in South Africa I often cut up old cloths to sew up into self imagined pieces of wearable clothing.
Later as an adult living in The Netherlands I finally decided to take up sewing classes and enhanced my sewing skills.
The idea for a subscription box was born when I, founder of Shakenfabrics Sue Vegter left a women’s clothing shop where I designed and sewed women’s clothes to venture on my own. I was part of a dynamic group of women and a man who ran a shop together. During that time I also did a lot of markets selling self-made crafts sometimes collaborating with other craftedid a lot of felting and knitting. This went on for 10 years.
Then in March of 2021 the opportunity to start a subscription box business fell into my lap.
As a team we strive to bring you a unique and once in a lifetime experience through the unboxing of our boxes. Not only are they unique they are also fun!
So join us on our journey through the continent of Africa in a box.